How to join the Body Psychotherapy Network
What do I get if I join?
Membership costs £20 a year and benefits include:
The ability to post a Find a therapist profile on the site as well as events in the Events section
Connection with body psychotherapists across the UK via a google group
Access to future BPN events and gatherings
The ability to bring your ideas to the network and shape its development
Being part of a new and exciting future for body psychotherapy in the UK.
Students can join for £10 a year and get the above benefits, but won't be able to post on the Find a therapist or Events sections of the site.
How do I apply?
To join the Network you should apply to the steering group by email to
In this email please give us your contact details (email, address) and tell us about your trainings and give us a flavour of your practice. This might take the form of a short text which you could later use in posting your profile in the 'find a body psychotherapist' section of the website. Recognising that therapists come from a diverse range of trainings and backgrounds, the Network operates from a principle of inclusion, trust, and self-identification; however, we may ask for further information, and reserve the right to decline membership.
The Network is not an accrediting body, nor a regulator; however members may be subject to challenge if negative information about their practice comes to our attention. An annual membership fee of £20 is payable on acceptance.
If you would like to take part in discussions via the google group, but do not wish to become a member, please write to us at the address above.